Monday, August 3, 2009

things unchanged.

It's funny how change can become so ordinary.

I soared to new heights this summer; experienced more than I thought possible and embraced ideas I have never considered. Doing the program was one of the best decisions of my life.

I returned to the familiar last night. Nothing has changed. Just me. The European countryside and lifestyle became my life-- I was so used to the person I was becoming, I didn't realize I had changed, or that life around me wasn't the norm. Now I am back and realize just how much I had adjusted to that life and will be forced to readjust.

Yes, I know I just got back last night. Less than 24 hours ago. These are my immediate thoughts, likely to change, but I desperately hope I will never ever forget the lessons I learned and the people I grew to love.

cheers, ladies and gents.

1 comment:

Kate Roberts said...

you will have to give me tips when I go on my excursion,

but i do get what you are saying. It can be a joyous and frustrating realization.

Coffee back at school? I want to hear all about your adventures.