Oh, the irony.
I am in complete support of the "anti-facebookers" out there. I commend you for following your convicitions. For being Christ-like in your endeavors, and for striving toward more holisitic and intentional relationships.
Ironic though, that we are now all communicating through this electronic outlet. Ironic that my first post in many months comes as a result of knowing that my CU friends are now online.
I hate that.
I use this blog to post random thoughts at random times and to follow the insightful findings of my dear friends at home and beyond. Now, since others have joined the network, I'll use it to read their thoughts, and to maybe gain insight that I fail to see in the real world.
These online resources are just that-- tools.
Talk to me about my facebook convictions-- I would love to talk to you about yours. I refuse to let this, or any other online network, replace real relationships. Let us use this to spur
real conversations, to spur research into new ideas, and to compel each other to be more like Christ. Let us use this time and these resources to learn to be more like Christ and get others to do the same.
I will continue to post nonsensical things and to read blogs late at night for hopes of an inspiring tidbit. I will also continue to challenge you on your electronic use, and hope you do the same for me.
talk. Let's do life, together.