Wednesday, November 24, 2010

my cup overfloweth.

This Thursday I celebrate another American tradition. Today, however, I sit and reflect on something much greater than that: this life of abundance.

I was blessed to visit Midtown this past weekend and participated in a Thanksgiving prayer service. Though we did offer prayers of Thanksgiving as a community, we concentrated on God's faithfulness and prayed for lives of selflessness.

God's faithfulness. Such the stark contrast with our inept ability to live selflessly. Though, during this season in my life, I am most thankful for the people who have given me a glimpse of this enduring and deeply profound attribute of our God.

I celebrate life--new hope and new life given to friends near and far. I am thankful for the ability of my friends and family to grow and thrive in new surroundings and communities.

I celebrate sacrifice, especially as I realize what my family has done to provide stability and love through uncertainty.

I celebrate reunions. Maintaining faraway friendships proves difficult, but looking forward to the simple and sweet reunions bring joy during the mundane.

This season I celebrate energy and diligence. Thank you, Lord, for providing both to myself and others as we diligently try to discern your will.

I celebrate honesty and learning to love and grow in communities near and far.

New opportunities, new personalities, and new glimpses of the Kingdom fill my days. Yes, I am thankful.

Thank you to the dear friends who have challenged me to be more faithful, and who help me celebrate God Emmanuel.
